There are many symptoms of a neurological injury, and each of these should be treated with equal gravity. After a car accident, do not assume that the symptoms will get better when you go home. The impact of a vehicle accident is stronger than you think, and you must seek care immediately.
Symptoms of an injury don’t always appear right away. These variances are a result of the severity of your injury, shock after the accident, and your own tolerance for pain.
Other car crash victims don’t realize they’re injured right after the accident. Their body has kicked into high gear, and the adrenaline rush is making them unaware that they have symptoms of a neurological injury. Or, they went into shock and can’t comprehend the extent of their injuries until later. These indications can seem whenever from a couple of hours to half a month after the mishap.
When the wounds become evident, you probably won’t interface it immediately with your mishap, particularly if a brief period has slipped by. When you do end up symptomatic, call for help.
Car wrecks are painful. Our doctors have extensive experience with auto accident victims and pain management after a car accident. Naturally, they want to rehabilitate you by treating the root cause of the injury or pain. However, while you are undergoing treatment, they will supplement your care plan with pain management.